SWAPPING çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ The way of swapping! ¼ The "elite" and the "lame" way. ³ Written by Domain ¹You all know the type! They call themself ELITE and maybe, just maybe they are (in their own eyes), but with what right do they call themself for ELITE guys. ½You can find them everywhere, the so called "elite". In every mag there are always some kind of guys who try to tell us that their way of swapping is the "elite" way. But what is the definition of an elite swapper. Is an elite swap- per a guy who ALWAYS sends new stuff, max 0-7 days old (and sends you a rotten letter), or is it the kind of guy that's more "slow" and sends you min 0-7 years old stuff? My opinion is that is depends of what kind of type you are. Some like the fast way - with maybe a missing letter, and someone would maybe rather swap the more "slow" way - where there maybe in the envelope is a cool letter. ¹As you can see from above it is clearly what kind of swapping I prefer the most, and it's no secret that I'm NOT very glad after of haveing recived one of those fast sendings where the letter is missing, but then again it's what I prefer the most. ½Hey this is NO attack on the so called "elite" swappers I do know elite guys who always sends a nice personal letter (actualy I don't but...), you CAN swap fast sendings and enclose a nice letter, (I just haven't seen ¶½anyone doing this yet), they are not rare, couz it also takes a lot at time to write a friendly letter and the elite swappers usualy have got a lot of contacts, and then it's hard to write good letters to all 100 (or even more) contacts. But what I'm saying is that you guys out there shouldn't write that you are elite just becaurse you think of yourself as an elite. And then when you guys write NO LAMERS PLEASE, what do you then mean with that. Do you mean that you don't wan't any guys who have just beginned to swap or you don't wan't the type that are writing in not so perferctly english, or are you just writing these lines to show that YOU ARE CERTENALY the elite type who will not waste any time on certain beginners. ¹A long time ago an elite guy was the top of the cake (do they say this in english too?!?), the best of the best - now it's just everybody who isn't lame. It's the way it is, right now, and we can't stop it, maybe we can invent a new word, that means something better than elite.....I don't know....but please stop judgeging yourself like this: "Am I elite or not.....LONG BREAK.. yes I am, couz I can draw a picture of a dog, and it almost looks like a dog too", for gods sake, let others judge YOU, there is no glory in beeing an elite if half the world thinks they are too. ½Think of that when you call yourself elite next time.